The Planetary Society won double honors in Aviation Week
& Space Technology
‘s 45th Annual Aerospace Laurel

One Laurel was awarded to, "The Planetary Society for making the
first real moves toward private planetary exploration by organizing
the suborbital test in July of a Solar Sail on a Russian
rocket," February 4, 2002 issue of Aviation Week & Space

Kudos also went to Cosmos Studios and the A&E television network
for providing the sponsorship for the project.

The Society’s role as a proponent of a Pluto mission garnered its
second Laurel. The Society’s grass roots efforts were rewarded when
Congress responded to the public’s interest in Pluto and added the
Pluto mission into the FY 2002 budget. However, the administration
has once again proposed cancellation of the mission development in
the FY 2003 budget.

"We thank Aviation Week and Space Technology for both
Laurels," said Louis Friedman, Executive Director of The
Planetary Society. "We push the envelope, both technically and
politically. Getting recognized is a tribute to our members and to
our sponsors who enable the Society to make things happen."

The Aerospace Laurel Selections are designed to honor individuals and
teams who made significant contributions to the global field of
aerospace during 2001.

Carl Sagan, Bruce Murray and Louis Friedman founded The Planetary
Society in 1980 to advance the exploration of the solar system and to
continue the search for extraterrestrial life. With members in over
140 countries, the Society is the largest space interest group in the

For more information about The Planetary Society, contact Susan
Lendroth at (626) 793-5100 ext 237 or by e-mail at

The Planetary Society
65 N. Catalina Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91106-2301
Tel:  (626) 793-5100
Fax:  (626) 793-5528