The Planetary Society has awarded Planetary Society Fellowships to attend the 2005 International Space University (ISU) to Vladimir Ivkovic of Zagreb, Croatia and Rocky Khullar of Los Angeles, California. Ivkovic will receive US $12,000 to attend ISU’s year-long Master’s program in Space Science, and Khullar has been granted US $9,000 to attend the 2005 summer session.

“The Planetary Society, in its 25th year, is proud that its scholarship programs connect people directly with the excitement and inspiration of space,” said Planetary Society Director of Projects Bruce Betts.  “Our very talented winners will help create the next age of space exploration.”

The two scholarships will offset tuition costs for Khullar’s session in Vancouver, Canada and Ivkovic’s program at ISU’s campus in Strasbourg, France.

Ivkovic described a childhood moment when he knew that space was where his passions lay: “I saw billions of stars in the sky, and that was the first time that I ever had the idea that someone might be doing the very same thing somewhere else out there, that there might be some little being, some young alien who was looking at the sky and thinking pretty much what I was.”

The International Space University (ISU) works to develop future leaders  of the world space community by providing interdisciplinary educational  programs  to students and space professionals in an international, intercultural environment.  Its programs – a nine week summer session and two one-year Masters programs – impart critical skills essential to those who will work on future space initiatives in the public and private sectors.   The Planetary Society has partnered with ISU for several years to help shape the future of space exploration.

For more information about The Planetary Society’s scholarship program and to read in detail about this year’s scholars, visit


Now celebrating its 25th anniversary, The Planetary Society has inspired millions of people to explore other worlds and seek other life. Today, its worldwide membership makes the independent, non-governmental Planetary Society an effective force in promoting the ambitious endeavor of space exploration.  Carl Sagan, Bruce Murray and Louis Friedman founded The Planetary Society in 1980.


For more information about The Planetary Society, contact Susan Lendroth at (626) 793-5100 ext. 237 or by e-mail at


The Planetary Society