Posted inOpinion

Guest Blog: Fixing an NRO that wasn’t Broken

Once upon a time, long, long ago, the NRO had something called Program Managers. They were powerful. They controlled resources, they had clear authority to make program decisions, and they were held accountable. The Air Force, CIA, and Navy sent their best, often for entire government careers. Many were committed to the entire life cycle of a particular space program, from conception through operations. They remained in the job, building their expertise, ensuring the mission above all, was successful. They were the elite; they knew it, and they acted like it. As a result, the country was provided capabilities that had a significant role in our nation’s ascendancy to superpower status.

Posted inCivil

NASA: 2011 Budget Puts Exploration on Sustainable Path

WASHINGTON — U.S. President Barack Obama sent Congress a $19 billion NASA budget proposal Feb. 1 that cancels his predecessor’s Moon-bound Constellation program, commits to operating the international space station through at least 2020, and invests billions of dollars in commercial space vehicles and “game-changing technologies” intended to put the United States on a sustainable space exploration footing.