Destination Imagination (DI), a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching students the creative process through hands-on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), arts and social entrepreneurship challenges, has partnered with five space science organizations for Global Finals 2016, taking place May 25-28 at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. The organizations are the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Higher Orbits, Space Camp® and Vision of Flight.

“Partnering with five space science organizations with similar missions as Destination Imagination – to inspire the next generation to pursue their passion in the STEM fields – will make this year’s event a thrilling experience,” said Dr. Chuck Cadle, CEO of Destination Imagination. “Through our space partners’ exhibits and workshops, students will have the opportunity to participate in an interactive astronaut training, experience how to pilot an aircraft, explore how to live and work on Mars, the International Space Station (ISS) and how science is launched and conducted in orbit.”

With the growing need for professionals in STEM careers, personnel in these industries are looking for ways to encourage youth interest. A recent survey of Space Camp® alumni showed that 88 percent of Space Camp® graduates took more STEM classes after attending camp; 71 percent chose a career that related to aerospace, technology, energy, defense or biotechnology; and 66 percent said their camp experience inspired their decision to enter a STEM field.

Students can look forward to the following exhibits and workshops featuring real-world applications of STEM classes that they’re taking:


CASIS manages the U.S. National Laboratory onboard the International Space Station (ISS) and will showcase a brand new exhibit—Space Station Explorers—focused on the many facets of the orbital laboratory including space science, Earth observation and living in space.

Participants will enjoy a hands-on learning experience through interactive demos and activities. Students can even continue their journey online at


The NASA exhibit has been designed around the theme of living and working on Mars. Expanding on the movie “The Martian,” students will explore six different interactive stations to complete challenges which include: creating water on Mars, traveling the surface, growing food, communicating with Earth, generating power, and imagining what life might be like on Mars for the astronauts. The exhibit will end with a mock press conference on what they have learned.

AVAdventures is working with NASA on the exhibit and they have created a passport book that students will get stamped as they complete the different stations – something students can take home as a keepsake.

Higher Orbits

Higher Orbits is a non-profit organization that uses spaceflight as a way to excite students and promote STEM careers. The exhibit will consist of a challenge where students have to try and calculate the number of stars in a small cube that is the same size as the container that student science can be launched in to ISS. This challenge will demonstrate how much science one can fit into what may seem like a small volume.

Students will also learn about Higher Orbits’ Flagship Program, Go For Launch!, which is a three-day event held in various locations across the country where students can work with an astronaut and compete to have their experiment idea launched into space.

Space Camp®

Space Camp® is the U.S. Space and Rocket Center® museum’s education program to help promote the study of math, science and technology through astronaut simulators and other programs. The Space Camp® exhibit will give students a chance to do some interactive astronaut training with a two-person multi-axis trainer. The model-rocket manufacturer, Estes, will also provide model rockets which students can build onsite.

Space Camp® will have an exclusive trading pin that can only be received at the event. Students attending the Global Finals Closing Celebration will also stand a chance to win a week at Space Camp®. At the end of the ceremony, kids will launch foam rockets towards “Mars” in the center of the arena to create the largest indoor foam rocket launch the U.S Space & Rocket Center® ever had.

To find out more about Space Camp®, visit

Vision of Flight

Vision of Flight is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing students interested in aviation and aerospace an overview of the large number of careers available in aeronautics. The Vision of Flight exhibit will have interactive mobile flight simulation stations that will allow students to enjoy the experience of piloting an aircraft.

Students with a continuing interest in aeronautics will have the opportunity to complete a mini ground school course online, after the event. This will allow them to learn about the different areas of study (Aviation101) that must be met to become a pilot and also how to proceed forward towards a career in aviation.

Vision of Flight is fundraising to establish its first instructional aircraft that will allow students with a keen focus and interest in Flight to compete for academic scholarships in the form of flight hours.

Global Finals is the world’s largest celebration of student creativity, with more than 1,400 of the top-tiered Destination Imagination teams showcasing their innovative solutions over the four-day event.

For more information about Global Finals and all the exhibitions and workshops at the event, visit

About Destination Imagination
Destination Imagination, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) volunteer-led non-profit organization whose purpose is to inspire and equip students to become the next generation of innovators and leaders. The most popular education offering is the Challenge Program, where student teams solve open-ended STEM, arts and service learning Challenges and present their solutions to trained Appraisers. Founded in 1982, Destination Imagination has impacted more than 1.5 million students. To learn more, please visit