NOTE TO EDITORS AND NEWS DIRECTORS: News media representatives are invited
to a ceremony during which the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) will award the Voluntary Protection Program ‘star’
status to NASA Ames Research Center on Thursday, May 23, at 10 a.m. PDT in
Ames’ main auditorium (Bldg. N201). The presentation is part of NASA Ames’
annual Safety and Quality Week, May 20-23. To reach NASA Ames, take the
Moffett Field exit off U.S. 101 and drive east to the main gate. All U.S.
news media must present a government-issued photo I.D. for access to the site.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will formally
recognize NASA Ames Research Center’s excellence in health and safety
programs at a May 23 ceremony. The ceremony will be part of the center’s
annual Safety and Quality Week.

Gabriel Gillotti, director of OSHA’s San Francisco Office of Voluntary
Programs and Outreach, will present the Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)
flag and ‘star’ to NASA Ames Director Dr. Henry McDonald at a ceremony at
10 a.m. PDT on May 23. Following the formal presentation in the Ames
auditorium (Bldg. N201), the VPP flag will be raised in front of the Ames
administration building (Bldg. N200) at 11 a.m. PDT.

“While safety always has been the top priority at NASA Ames, achieving the
VPP ‘star’ status acknowledges the cooperative effort that exists between
Ames employees, unions, management and OSHA as they work together to
achieve a safer, more healthful work environment,” McDonald said.

Also expected to attend the ceremony are Frank Strasheim, OSHA regional
administrator, and James Lloyd, director of the Safety and Risk Management
Division in the Office of Safety and Mission Assurance at NASA
Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

VPP participants are a select group of sites that have designed and
implemented outstanding safety and health programs. As a VPP ‘star’ site,
NASA Ames is recognized as having an exemplary commitment to workplace
safety and health

“This recognition is important for Ames and its continuing efforts to
provide a safe and
healthful workplace for our employees,” said David King, chief of Ames’
Safety, Health and Medical Services Division. “Our employees and
contractors at every level contributed to the success of this program.”

The prestigious ‘star’ status is the highest category of the Voluntary
Protection Program. The award follows years of preparation at NASA Ames and
intensive, on-site inspection by OSHA representatives in 2001 and 2002.

The OSHA team evaluating Ames’ safety and health program for participation
in VPP found excellence in safety and health management, employee
involvement and training, and appropriate resources to support health and
safety efforts. The team spent two weeks at NASA Ames interviewing
employees and surveying safety and health-related programs.

The VPP is designed to recognize and promote effective safety and health
management. Management, labor and OSHA must have a cooperative relationship
at a workplace that has implemented a strong program. VPP sites experience
fewer employee injuries and illnesses, reduced workers’ compensation costs,
improved productivity and improved employee morale, recognition in the
community, and improvement of programs that are already good, through the
internal and external reviews that are part of the VPP application process.

Additional information about VPP is available at: