NASA’s first A-76 competitive sourcing decision is being implemented at Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va., to provide increased efficiency and cost effectiveness in the procurement of metal test article development and general and precision machining services for the Center. The organizational changes being implemented under Office of Management and Budget Circular A-76 require the use of reduction in force (RIF) procedures to accomplish 18 job separations.

RIF procedures touch off a series of events including employee reassignments, change to lower grade or separation from Federal service. The anticipated effective date of the RIF is July 5, 2005, when the actual personnel actions will occur.  To aid affected employees, NASA Langley earlier established a Career Transition Assistance Program that is offering career counseling and transition assistance services.

The government’s Most Efficient Organization (MEO) was selected in January 2005 as the best value for procuring metal test article development and general and precision machining services for the Center.  The MEO is a smaller organization than its predecessor.

These services were designated “commercial” meaning that the services are available in the private sector.  The services, then, do not necessarily have to be performed by civil service employees and are subject to public/private competition.  Historically, competing government activities has resulted in savings, regardless of whether the government or the private sector wins the competition.