Contact Details

Mr. O. Minster
Tel: +31 71 565 4764

Academic and industry researchers of ESA Member States involved with the International Space Station programme are invited to respond to the ESA Announcement of Opportunity 2000 for Basic and Applied Research in Physical Sciences in Space. This addresses various scientific disciplines including materials science, fluid physics, combustion, fundamental physics and the crystallisation of biological macromolecules.

The objectives of this Announcement of Opportunity are to offer the European scientific community the
possibility to:

  • utilise space instruments developed by the ISS partners and consolidate or initiate cooperative projects at international level;
  • carry out experiments on short-duration microgravity carriers available in Europe;
  • organise European networks, called ‘Topical Teams’, to consolidate, optimise and promote plans for research programmes in the space environment in anticipation of future announcements.

If you are interested in this Announcement of Opportunity, a non-committing Letter of Intent should be sent to ESA by 17 November. For how to apply go to:

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