NASA Education welcomes your ideas! Visit to provide feedback on any of the following questions, as well as general ideas you may have about the way NASA does business. The feedback that you provide will be used in important planning and development at NASA, and you may have a say in our next exciting breakthrough in education, technology, science and exploration. Hurry — this unique opportunity ends tomorrow, March 19, 2010.

OpenNASA Education Questions:

EDQ1: How can NASA innovate in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education?

EDQ2: How can NASA improve its services in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education?

EDQ3: What innovative ideas do you have for the NASA Education website,

EDQ4: What innovative new education/mission products and materials would you like to see from NASA?

EDQ5: What innovative ideas do you have for using NASA content and materials in your classroom?

EDQ6: What types of online or massively multiplayer online (MMO) games would you like to see NASA create?

EDQ7: If you could design a NASA prize competition, similar to the Centennial Challenges and the X Prize, for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, what would it be and how would you measure the success of the competitors?

EDQ8: What can NASA do to connect you (student, educator or parent) with our missions, discoveries and education programs?

NOTE: Please enter your question code in the TAGS field of your submission at . For example, “EDQ1” should be entered by those answering the first question.

Please visit for more information about NASA’s education programs and to provide feedback any time.

Thank you for your input.