Ogden, Utah — The satellite is called JAWSAT (for
Joint Air Force Academy-Weber State University Satellite). It was launched on
January 26th from the Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) firing range on an experimental
Air Force missile; One Stop Satellite Solutions (OSSS), an Ogden satellite engineering
company, was the primary payload contractor. Preliminary mission data indicates
that the integration and launch of the five separate satellites were 100% successful.
Data we have received from NORAD indicates that there are six objects (this
would be the five satellites plus the fourth stage of the launch vehicle) traveling
in the expected orbit. Also, a limited amount of telemetry data from the fourth
stage of the missile confirmed that correct separation was achieved. A summary
of each of the satellites and its mission follows. Details of the individual
components and their missions can be found on the Internet at http://cast.weber.edu/jawsat.

1. FalconSat is designed to study how electrical charges build
up on spacecraft in low earth orbits, is operating normally.

2. Opal (Orbiting PicoSat Automated Launcher) carries and launches
six very small satellites (about the size of a bar of soap or a deck of cards).
The emphasis for this payload is on demonstrations of communications capabilities
of very small satellites. Opal is operating normally.

3. The Optical Calibration Sphere (OCS) is a Kapton/aluminum
balloon used to calibrate an experimental telescope. OCS has reported normal

4. ASUSAT is designed and built by ASU students to be launched
as a technology demonstrator for low-cost spacecraft. The satellite will be
placed in a low-earth polar orbit to provide earth imagery, an audio transponder
for amateur radio operations and a proof of concept for many new components.
ASUSAT received some data in early orbits, but it appears that the satellite
is not receiving appropriate power, as recent orbits have been quiet.

5. The JAWSAT multi-payload adaptor is a joint venture of OSSS
and weber State University (WSU). It served as the main structure of the payload
group. It also serves as the platform for a NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center
experiment to help validate a new method of studying electrified gases in space,
and the OSSS/WSU attitude controlled platform. To date, there have been four
contacts with JAWSAT, the most encouraging being a partially complete message
on January 31. Other contacts have been transmission of carrier signal only,
with no discernable data. We are continuing to work with the satellite to determine
if normal operations can be established.

Video of the launch, which was broadcast live over the World
Wide Web, can be seen on the internet by registering at world wide web site

Dale Richards, President

(801) 573-6041

Dr. Jay Smith, VP of Technical Development


Lewis Boynton, Director



You may also contact the OSSS offices at the numbers and address
listed below.

One Stop Satellite Solutions
1805 University Circle
Ogden, UT 84403

Phone: (801) 626-7272
Fax: (801) 626-7951