Final rules for revised U.S. Munitions List Categories VIII and XIX and Transition Process were formally published in the Federal Register this morning.

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Obama Administration reached a major milestone in its Export Control Reform Initiative by publishing in the Federal Register the Final Rules describing how U.S. Munitions List (USML) items will “transition” over to the more flexible Commerce Control List (CCL), as well as specific revisions to USML Categories VIII (aircraft and related equipment) and XIX (aircraft engines and related equipment).

The rule affecting State Department procedures and the revised USML Category VIII and XIX can be found here:; the rule affecting Commerce Department procedures and control details for parts and components that used to be in USML Category VIII and XIX can be found here: These rules have a delayed implementation of six months, and will come into force on October 15, 2013.

The Aerospace Industries Association has long been at the forefront of advocacy for these changes to our export control system. AIA’s Vice President of International Affairs Remy Nathan is available to answer questions on the new rules, how they affect export control procedures and how they affect industry.

To coordinate an interview with Mr. Nathan, please contact Dan Stohr at (703) 358-1078 or