The members of the National Space Society expressed their support for Elon Musk and the entire team at Space Exploration Technologies after today’s attempted launch of the Falcon-1 rocket.

While this launch was unsuccessful, the deeper significance of this launch lies in the ultimate ambitions of SpaceX and its founder:  low cost access to space, and settlement of the solar system.

“Just last month, Musk stated that the ultimate goal is to make life multi-planetary,” continued Whitesides.  “That long-range vision is exactly what the world needs now.  Elon is putting his money towards a grand vision – and if his bet pays off, all of humanity will win.  It is a most worthy goal, and we are sure that the SpaceX team will learn from today and push forward.”

Musk will make featured remarks at the 25th annual conference of the National Space Society, the International Space Development Conference.  The conference will run from May 4-7 at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel in Los Angeles.  Musk will open the Space Venturing Forum, a special business summit on the opening day of ISDC. 

  About the National Space Society   

The National Space Society (NSS) is an independent, grassroots organization dedicated to the creation of a spacefaring civilization.  Founded in 1974, NSS is widely acknowledged as the preeminent citizen’s voice on space.  NSS counts thousands of members and over 50 chapters in the United States and around the world.

The society also produces the annual International Space Development Conference, held May 4-7 in Los Angeles.  For more information on the conference or the society, please visit:

George T. Whitesides
Executive Director
phone: 202 429 1600

Jeremy Pyle
Vice President of Public Affairs
phone: (415) 713-6272