A bill heading through Congress MUST be amended or stopped–or NASA could be barred from doing anything related to “Human Exploration of Mars.”

Here’s what’s going on: The same bill that would increase NASA’s overall budget, specifically FORBIDS NASA from investing in human exploration of Mars!

NSS has started an EMERGENCY LEGISLATIVE CAMPAIGN to stop this outrageous effort. YOU CAN HELP. Please send your Emergency Contribution to NSS now at www.nss.org/save_mars.

We’ve got to preserve NASA’s ability to function…but we hadn’t planned for this fight so our resources are now stretched thin. Your generous donation today will enable us to fill the gap and keep going.

The House of Representatives has already approved the bill. The Senate, on the other hand, refused to include the negative language against human exploration of Mars. Because of this, the bill is heading to the Congressional Conference Committee – right now! We must immediately take action to ensure that this language stays out of the final bill.

I hope you will help us with your most generous possible contribution to NSS. Your support is critical for us to fight these initiatives and your contributions will have a profound impact on the future of human exploration of Mars – furthering our mutual goal of achieving a spacefaring civilization. Your support makes a difference so please don’t delay! We’re really counting on you and so is America’s space future. Donate now! www.nss.org/save_mars.

If you have already given to support this emergency campaign, we thank you!

National Space Society
Katherine Brick
Email: members@nss.org
Phone: (202) 429-1600