In 2011 NSF’s Division of Astronomical Sciences (AST) commenced a Portfolio Review process in order to review the entire portfolio of AST-supported facilities, programs and other activities. The goal of the review was to recommend to AST how support for existing facilities, programs, and activities should be prioritized and interleaved with new initiatives recommended by the National Academy of Sciences decadal surveys, within the limitations of realistic future budgets.

The report from the Portfolio Review Committee was transmitted to NSF by the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Advisory Committee today. The full report is posted on the Portfolio Review page on the AST website:

AST intends to respond to the major recommendations of the report as diligently and expeditiously as possible.

Dr. Eisenstein, chair of the Portfolio Review Committee, and Dr. Ulvestad, AST division director, will participate in a Q&A session for journalists tomorrow, August 17, at noon EDT (16:00 UTC). Credentialed reporters can contact Lisa Van Pay (see below) to obtain the phone number and passcode for the call.

NSF is in the process of scheduling a WebEx seminar to provide information to the astronomical sciences community. Because many U.S. astronomers will be attending the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Beijing the last two weeks in August, it is likely that this meeting will be scheduled for early September.

Lisa Van Pay
+1 (703) 292-8796