The Physics Division at the National Science Foundation is seeking qualified applicants to fill the position of Program Director for Theoretical Physics in the areas of Elementary Particle Physics and Astrophysics and Cosmology. This position involves responsibility for the planning, coordination, and management of programs for research and human resource development in theoretical elementary particle physics and theoretical astrophysics and cosmology.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent experience in a scientific discipline supported by NSF. In addition, applicants must have six or more years of successful research, research administration, and/or managerial experience pertinent to the program. We are especially interested in applicants with a Ph.D. or equivalent experience in theoretical elementary particle physics and theoretical astrophysics and cosmology or a closely related field.

Appointment to this position may be on a permanent basis, a one- or two-year assignment under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA), a one- or two-year Visiting Scientist appointment, or a Federal Temporary appointment.

Applications for these positions should be submitted through the NSF Talent Inventory Announcements that can be found on the NSF web page at .

Individuals interested in permanent appointments should apply as directed on the page

Individuals interested in temporary appointments should apply as directed on the page

The position will be open through August 29, 2008, or until filled.

Full descriptions of the Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics and Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology programs can be found under Theoretical Physics at PHY Home on the NSF Physics web page at . Interested applicants are also invited to communicate with any of the contacts listed on that page for additional information about the duties of the Program Director.