Arlington, Va. – In today’s economic downturn the civil aviation industry needs confidence that the government’s commitment to implement the Next Generation Air Transportation System is real and on a predictable schedule said AIA’s Vice President of Civil Aviation Dan Elwell in testimony submitted to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Wednesday.

“Funding NextGen is a great two for one option at a time when Congress is seeking opportunities to promote economic recovery and policies to protect our planet from global warming, ” said Elwell.

According to Elwell, implementation of NextGen will dramatically improve air traffic efficiency. A more efficient system helps the environment by burning less fuel and producing less carbon dioxide.

He recommended that economic stimulus funding for the FAA’s Airport Improvement Program include not only ongoing projects, but also NextGen investments. Other initiatives like accelerated depreciation for aircraft purchases and environmental tax credits or low interest loans for the purchase of fuel-saving NextGen equipment will help keep the aerospace workforce fully employed.

“The aerospace industry is a vital economic engine,” Elwell said. “The industry provides thousands of high paying jobs and a $60 billion trade balance that bolsters the entire U.S. economy.”

NextGen is an advanced, satellite-based system that will employ cutting edge technology to transform air travel in the United States. It will replace the current air traffic control system, which is based on outdated architecture, with some technology pioneered as long ago as World War II.

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