NEXTENGINE, the leading manufacturer of 3D Scan instruments, announced today that its Desktop 3D Scanner won a coveted NASA Tech Briefs “Product of the Year” award at a special industry dinner ceremony in New York City. It was voted “Readers Choice Product of the Year” by polls of the nearly 200,000 readers of NASA Tech Briefs. NextEngine’s 3D Scanner dramatically reduces cycle time to generate 3D models and speeds innovation in product design & manufacturing, research, and computer graphics media.

“The NextEngine Desktop 3D Scanner was selected as a Product of the Year by our readers for its practical value to engineers, who understand innovation better than anyone,” said Linda L. Bell, Editorial Director of NASA Tech Briefs.

“We’re very grateful for this vote of approval, particularly in light of how technologically innovative NASA Tech Briefs readers are,” said Mark Knighton, CEO. “It’s very exciting to see the diverse and imaginative ways designers, engineers, artists and researchers are using the scanner right now to save time, reduce costs, and increase their business.”

Though laboratory 3D scanning systems have been available for years, their high cost and complexity have prevented widespread use. NextEngine’s breakthrough Multi-Laser technology has now lowered cost by an order of magnitude, and greatly simplified the user experience. For the first time, it’s practical for mass-market users to scan and model 3 dimensional objects at their desks. They can produce richly detailed, full color, digital models in industry standard file formats for use in mainstream 3D software applications. Soon after its recent introduction, NextEngine’s 3D Scanner technology quickly became the World’s most popular 3D capture system, and is now in wide use across diverse industries spanning design, manufacturing, scientific research, medicine, architecture, art, special effects and animation.

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About NASA Tech Briefs

NASA Tech Briefs is an official NASA publication featuring exclusive reports of technology innovations developed by private industry and NASA that can be applied to develop new products and solve engineering challenges. Authored by the engineers and scientists who actually do this work, NTB spans a wide array of fields, including electronics, physical sciences, materials, computer software, mechanics, machinery/automation, manufacturing/fabrication, mathematics/information sciences, and life sciences. First published as individual reports during the Space Race, it quickly evolved into a full-fledged magazine. With a circulation of nearly 200,000, NASA Tech Briefs’ Magazine continues to build on over 30 years of uncovering and introducing the most innovative new technology.

About NextEngine

NextEngine, Inc. manufactures the World’s best-selling 3D Scanners. With dozens of patented technology advances designed and engineered in Santa Monica, California, and low cost mass-production facilities in Asia, NextEngine products are sold globally in over 72 countries. Through its low-priced factory-direct online store, NextEngine provides personal service from locally-based expert Application Engineers. NextEngine builds its business on 3 foundation principles: Superior quality through technology innovation, outstanding value through volume production, and unparalleled customer support by highly educated engineers who are also shareholders in the company.


NextEngine, Inc.
Dan Gustafson, 310-883-1828