A new generation of space vehicles capable of economically delivering payloads and researchers is coming on line beginning in 2010. These vehicles will revolutionize space access by providing frequent, low-cost access to space.

Fields that will potentially benefit include atmospheric science, solar physics, microgravity science, planetary science, space life science, space physics, and education and public outreach (EPO).

NSRC2010 will provide a forum to learn about the research and EPO capabilities of these new systems, along with their experiment and EPO integration processes, and to provide input on vehicle design requirements for science and education.

The meeting will be held from 18-20 February 2010 in Boulder, Colorado.

The abstract deadline for the conference will be November 12, 2009.

To subscribe to a mailing list to receive e-mail updates about the conference, please submit the Indication of Intent form by October 14, 2009.Further information: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/nsrc2010/

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