On Tuesday 27 September 2016 from 17:45 – 18:45, will be held a special plenary dedicated to Students and Young Professional, at the IAC in Guadalajara. The participants will take centre-stage during the Next Generation Plenary and discuss innovative solutions for making space accessible and affordable to all countries – presenting their own research and suggesting bigger ideas for the space industry and space agencies.

The session panelists include Eleka Abello, Kyle Acierno, Yusuke Muraki, Merek Novák, and Sinead O’Sullivan. The panelists were selected through a global competitive process to identify the best world wide candidates and showcase the diversity of successful efforts in towards space accessibility and affordability through solutions with a new perspective. A team of IAF experts evaluated their proposals to score and select participants for the Plenary Event. The plenary will be moderated by Dr. David Parker, former Chief Executive of the UK Space Agency and now ESA’s Director of Human Spaceflight and Robotic Exploration (D/HRE).

The plenary will open with remarks by the moderator followed by presentations by the panelists covering their motivations for performing research in space vs. on Earth and discuss results and benefits of their research – not only for deep-space exploration but also for improving life on Earth. This plenary looks forward to a future when the panelists will be in the prime of their careers, executing the decisions of the day and ultimately driving the space community.

A session of questions and answers from the attendees will follow the brief presentations.