Nyack, NY – The path to commercial space is blazed by the winners of the “Pioneer of NewSpace” and “NewSpace Journalism” awards and this year, they go to Art Dula and Miles O’Brien, respectively. Dula led the industry by creating innovative commercial space companies and O’Brien by spreading the news about NewSpace. The Space Frontier Foundation (SFF) will present these honors at the NewSpace Awards Gala on July 24th during the NewSpace 2010 Conference in Silicon Valley, CA.

“Pioneer of NewSpace” Award

Art Dula has been leading us into space for years and is the ultimate NewSpace pioneer. The “Pioneer of NewSpace Award” is given to early leaders in the creation of the commercial space industry who have left a lasting legacy either through their own personal investment or the creation of an early NewSpace business enterprise.

“Art Dula has been doing NewSpace since before anyone knew what NewSpace was,” said SFF Founder Bob Werb. “He has long been a leader in creating new businesses and in developing the ideas needed for opening the space frontier.”

We owe our ability to launch private spacecraft in part to Dula as his company, Space Services Inc., secured the first regulatory approval for a private space launch. In 1982, it launched the first private U.S. space vehicle, the Conestoga, and from there Dula created many more innovative private space companies. For more information about this amazing man, visit his website.

“NewSpace Journalism” Award

This award recognizes Miles O’Brien’s insightful reporting on the NewSpace industry. His show, This Week in Space, is the place to go for the latest scoop on commercial space industry successes, failures, and negotiations. Miles O’Brien has a long history covering aerospace events during his 17 years as the chief technological and environmental correspondent at CNN. Now, with his show spreading throughout the web like wildfire, he’s sharing the word of NewSpace to all who will listen.

“Miles O’Brien is probably the most highly regarded journalist focused on the space industry today. His latest platform, This Week in Space, delivers a package that is the perfect length and pace for both the busy executive and casual enthusiast,” said SFF Executive Director Will Watson. “The Space Frontier Foundation Board chose O’Brien for this award because he is making a difference, by highlighting NewSpace accomplishments and revealing policy truths to the general public.”

The “NewSpace Journalism” Award is for outstanding achievement in journalism spotlighting NewSpace. Check out This Week In Space at the SpaceFlightNow website.