April 2, 2007 July is the month of independence, the celebration of the founding of the USA. Similarly, with the tremendous accomplishment of SpaceX Corporation’s second Falcon 1 launch and Robert Bigelow’s announcement that his company will assemble lunar habitats in space between the Earth and the Moon for delivery to the lunar surface, the NewSpace industry is boldly demonstrating the same spirit of independence.

What better time for the Space Frontier Foundation to bring its annual conference to Washington, DC (ok… Crystal City) in July, to celebrate this spirit and provide a forum for business and government leaders to forge ahead.

It’s also the perfect time for the Foundation to create new energy around these events by re-inventing its annual conference. NewSpace 2007: Accelerating Change features two new significant events: the entire first day will focus on synergies between the needs of the U.S. military and the capabilities of the NewSpace industry to provide low cost, rapid space launch for satellites, payloads and personnel. And the day before we bring you, along with the World Space Center, Overview Effect Day. As Frank White wrote in his seminal book The Overview Effect: “The Overview Effect is the experience of seeing the Earth from a distance, especially from orbit or the Moon, and realizing the inherent unity and oneness of everything on the planet. The Effect represents a shift in perception wherein the viewer moves from identification with parts of the Earth to identification with the whole system.”

There’s much to tell, so this QuickNote is… well… less quick than usual.

Speakers and Topics… and return of the Business Plan Competition

Get the latest news from the NewSpace business front, and US Government leaders working to grow this industry:

  • Rick Tumlinson – CEO, Orbital Outfitters
  • Charles Miller – CEO, Constellation Services International
  • Alex Tai – Chief Operating Officer, Virgin Galactic and Chairman, Personal Spacelight Federation
  • Eric Anderson – CEO, Space Adventures
  • A.C. Charania – Senior Futurist, SpaceWorks Engineering, Inc.
  • Ester Dyson – Author Release 0.9; Chair, Flight School
  • Edward Hudgins – Executive Director, The Atlas Society
  • Patricia G. Smith – Assoc. Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation, FAA
  • Ed Morris – Director, Office of Space Commercialization, Dept. of Commerce
  • Ken Davidian – Innovative Partnerships Program Office, NASA
  • Dennis A. Stone – Assistant Manager for Commercial Space Development, NASA’s Commercial Crew and Cargo Program
  • Dave Huntsman – NASA

We are bringing back one of last year’s most popular events, the Business Plan Competition. And it’s bigger and better this year, as every company representative must participate in a one-day coaching, practice and dress rehearsal before presenting their business plan. This intensive day includes coaching from successful entrepreneurs, investors and industry leaders. Separate registration is required for this.

Invited judges and panelists include:

  • Ester Dyson – Author, Release 0.9; Chair, Flight School
  • Mohajit Jolly – VP, Garage Technology Ventures
  • Mike Miller – Managing Director & Founder, ComSpace
  • Alan Marty – NASA Ames; Formerly of JP Morgan
  • Jacques Valle – SBV; Red Planet Capital

Please click the link below for more information.

Business Plan Competition Information

Military-Commercial Spaceplane Day

Discussions will investigate how the innovation and nimbleness of NewSpace can contribute to national security and how the government can develop new ways to work with this unfamiliar community to unleash its potential. Military leaders and planners will work with NewSpace industry executives and leaders to build the bridge to the future both sides need.

Topics include:

  • U.S. Government’s Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) Access Plans & Programs
  • Industry Discussion/Debate on Near-term ORS Access Approach – Reusable or Expendable?
  • Totally Reusable Spaceplanes: What are the Military Uses & Commercial Markets for this Strategic Duel-Use Technology?
  • The Politics & Future of ORS Access

Speakers are being confirmed and I’ll provide an update soon.

Overview Effect Day (July 18, 2007)

An entire day is devoted to the deep human issues of space exploration and settlement:

The impact on Earth life and culture, as the emergence of mass spaceflight exposes tens of thousands of people to The Overview Effect

Recent brain/mind research suggesting that the space experience (the Overview Effect) is hidden from us by the inherent nature of human perception

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Frank White (Keynote) – Author of The Overview Effect
  • Edgar Mitchell – Sixth man on the Moon and founder of The Institute of Noetic Sciences
  • Barbara Marx Hubbard – Associate of Buckminster Fuller, founder of the Harvest Moon Project
  • Andrew Newberg – Director of the University of Pennsylvania Center for the Study of The Mind and Spirituality. Author of Why We Believe What We Believe.
  • Keith Ferrell – Editor of Omni Magazine. Internationally known author of dozens of books and hundreds of articles on the psycho-social effects of technology.
  • Douglas Trumbull – Oscar winning film and visual effects director (2001, Close Encounters, Blade Runner, Silent Running, Brainstorm, etc.)
  • Dan Curry – Seven time Emmy Award winning visual effects Producer/Supervisor for the Star Trek Television shows and movies
  • Dave Brody – Executive Producer/Director of Media, Imaginova Corp (Space.com)
  • Robert K. (Bob) Weiss – Vice chairman of the X-Prize foundation, film and TV producer/writer/director
  • Lonnie Schorer – Author of the acclaimed “Kids to Space” book and school curriculum guide. A member of The Explorer’s Club and Women in Aerospace.
  • “Doc Searls” – Senior editor of Linux Journal, co-author of the legendary bestseller Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual. Fellow at the Harvard Berkman Center for the Internet and Society.

World Space Center

Registration and Hotel, Exhibitor and Sponsorship Information With these topics and speakers, along with our traditional networking receptions, hospitality suite and awards banquet, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know this is the place to be!

Special Note: Due to problems outside our control, it took longer than expected to get Overview Effect Day registration posted, so we’ve extended early registration for this and NewSpace 2007 to April 15th. After that, prices go up. NewSpace 2007 general registration is just $295 until April 15, when it increases to $345. Overview Effect Day general registration is just $75 until April 15, when it increases to $95.

To register for both events, purchase banquet and dinner tickets, get hotel information, and see the exhibitor and sponsorship guide, simple click the link below.

See you in Washington! NewSpace 2007: Accelerating Change and Overview Effect Day

Jeff Krukin
Executive Director
Space Frontier Foundation