Los Angeles, CA, April 5, 2006 – The Space Frontier Foundation has announced it is combining its long running Return to the Moon Lunar Development Conference and its annual fall conference into one large event in Las Vegas during the week of July 20th. Commemorating the anniversary of Apollo and humanity’s first steps on another world and celebrating the rise of a NewSpace movement that is opening the frontier to everyone, NewSpace 2006 will build on a foundation of exploration and point the way to the human settlement of space. Running from July 19-22 at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, NewSpace 2006 will feature different leading edge subjects each day. A variety of sessions will ensure a variety of speakers and audiences, from entrepreneurs building new rocketships and starting new space companies to space enthusiasts who want to learn about this exciting new movement, to potential space tourists who want to go themselves.

“The permanent opening of space heralds a renaissance in human history,” said the Foundation’s Rick Tumlinson. “NewSpace 2006 will honor our roots in the exploration programs traditionally led by governments, while bringing them together with the entrepreneurs, visionaries, and leaders of the NewSpace Revolution to discover ways we can all work together to achieve our goals.”

As forums of an open frontier in space, the Foundation’s events are gathering places for the leaders and insiders who are creating a whole new breed of space firms designed to open space in our lifetimes. From the so-called “thrillionaires” to small entrepreneurial start ups, those “in the know” will join those “wanting to know” in a unique and intimate gathering in a city known for taking risks, in a place that was, like space, once seen as empty and dangerous to life.

“We are creating synergies,” said conference manager Krysta Paradis. “Anyone can throw a conference, but the Foundation’s events are the tribal gatherings of the NewSpace movement, drawing pro-frontier leaders from all aspects of the space community. There will be noted speakers from NASA, astronauts, scientists, businesspeople and investors mixing with visionaries, engineers, designers and those who just want to go out there themselves, all talking to each other plainly and directly in a casual and fun environment.”

Foundation conferences are known for their focus and shared experience approach. The full first working day is Thursday July 20th – “Moon Day”. Following the NASA meetings this spring, where government planners, Foundationers and others will engage in discussions on going back to the Moon and on to Mars, Moon Day will focus on how to stay there. Concepts like mining, processing resources, infrastructure development, property rights, and the roles of NASA and the private sector will be discussed with a spotlight on ways to enhance the NewSpace community’s involvement in this great adventure.

Friday will be the first of two NewSpace Days, entitled “Enabling NewSpace.” It will be a hard-nosed, roll up your sleeves meeting of leaders of the New Space industry grappling with pressing and important issues and opportunities. NewSpace business people, spaceport operators, investors and government officials who are trying to keep up with the pace of growth and change in this exciting field will discuss investment, marketing, business planning, and concerns like regulation, insurance and taxes.

The Friday night Black Tie Banquet will feature celebrity guests and pay homage to the heroes of Apollo and early space exploration and business. Honors will go to the best presentation of space in films, TV and commercials, from Hollywood and Madison Avenue, and awards for the greatest accomplishments in Space Journalism and Vision to Reality will be presented.

Saturday’s “Envisioning NewSpace” will feature “Beyond the Horizon,” with edgy ideas like space elevators, and advanced propulsion and “Breaking Out of the Greenhouse,” with presentations on space solar power and other potential Earth saving technologies. Other sessions include Teachers in Space, NASA Space Prizes, “Enabling Mars,” “Space Colonies,” “Space Tourism” and “Sex in Space” – subjects that are sure to draw crowds and heat things up. Sunday morning’s wrap-up will include discussions on the spiritual meaning of this new movement and a town-hall meeting on public outreach and the “Next Steps for NewSpace.”

“After all,” said Tumlinson, “when it comes to NewSpace, it’s important that what happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas!”

For more information on the Foundation or for other inquiries, call 800.787.7223,

e-mail information@space-frontier.org.