Members of the news media are invited to witness an
important step in what could lead to a revolution in the
nation’s air transportation system.

NASA and Boeing Air Traffic Management senior managers will
sign a Memorandum of Understanding to work together to plan
future research projects designed to enable the next
generation air transportation system.

The signing is scheduled for Thursday, March 21 at 4 p.m. EST
in the Office of Aerospace Technology conference room (6B51)
at NASA Headquarters in


Participants include:

  • Samuel Venneri, Associate Administrator, NASA’s Office
    of Aerospace Technology

  • John Hayhurst, President, Boeing Air Traffic Management.

    Venneri and Hayhurst will take questions from the news media
    following the document signing. Reporters planning to attend
    the event should contact Michael Braukus at 202/358-1979.