Brian Welch

Headquarters, Washington, DC

(Phone: 202/358-1600)

RELEASE: 00-150

Bob Jacobs, an award-winning broadcast journalist, has been
named Chief of News and Information at NASA Headquarters,
Washington, DC.

Before joining NASA, Jacobs served the past four years as Projects
Manager for the Washington-based Broadcast Technology division of
The Associated Press. While at AP, Jacobs helped develop and
implement newsroom management technology for a number of major
broadcasters, including the British Broadcasting Corporation
(BBC), ESPN, National Public Radio (NPR) and CBS News.

In 1991, Jacobs was hired as Executive Producer for The New York
Times-owned television station in Memphis, TN. He later became
Director of News Operations and was eventually named News
Director. Jacobs has also worked as a producer and reporter for
television news operations in Tampa, FL; Louisville, KY; and in
his hometown of Nashville, TN.

Jacobs is an Emmy award-winning producer and has won other
regional honors for excellence in journalism. He is a graduate of
Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN.