Governor Richardson, NASA Administrator Agree Commercial Spaceports Can Fill Vital US Need in Space

April 2, 2008 SANTA FE – Governor Bill Richardson and Spaceport America Executive Director Steve Landeene today met with NASA Administrator Michael Griffin to discuss the planned Spaceport America being built in Southern New Mexico. Governor Richardson outlined his vision for Spaceport America to play a leading role in the commercial space industry.

“Administrator Griffin was crystal clear in his support for commercial space facilities like Spaceport America,” said Governor Richardson. “He is familiar with our project and with the full range of space assets in New Mexico. We look forward to a working partnership with him and the professional team at NASA.”

The NASA administrator indicated his organization’s strong interest in the area of commercial space, having invested in programs such as the Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) which will provide cargo and crew support for the International Space Station.

In addition, NASA recently announced its intention to contract with private firms operating out of facilities like Spaceport America to provide suborbital space research and training missions to support NASA’s goals. This will create additional ways to advance science by allowing scientists to accompany their experiments into suborbital space more frequently and at lower cost.

“With the retirement of the US Space Shuttle, there will be a 3 to 5 year gap before the next US spacecraft would come online,” said Governor Richardson. “With no US spacecraft operating till as late as 2015, I made the case that commercial space can help fill a strategic need and reinvigorate America’s leadership in space.”

Governor Richardson explained that New Mexico is collaborating with other states such as Florida and California to secure $10 million in federal funding for a commercial space infrastructure grant program.

The New Mexico delegation also met with Congressman Bart Gordon, chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology, to discuss federal funding for Spaceport America. Chairman Gordon indicated his committee’s strong interest in commercial space development to advance technology and leverage private investment.