New TRISH 2022 industry solicitation seeks mixed reality technologies, and biosensors for Artemis vehicles and spacewalks

The Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH) has released its 2022 Industry solicitation. With this call, the Institute is seeking scientific proposals for medical monitoring and real-time guidance technologies that could aid astronauts during lunar missions.

During lunar missions, astronauts must be prepared to diagnose and treat all health complications they encounter. With the Industry solicitation, the Institute is seeking companies with new and innovative ways to support crew health through two topics:

  • Use a mixed reality platform to develop the capability for a “doctor over-the-shoulder” that allows a human medical expert to real-time guide and annotate medical tasks and procedures to an astronaut on lunar missions;
  • or Develop minimally obtrusive ingestible, implantable, or contactless medical monitoring capabilities with ideal technical characteristics for lunar missions and lunar surface activities without any real-time support from Earth or mission control.   

Proposals are due April 21, 2022 by 5 p.m. EST. Selected proposals will receive between $100,000 and $500,000. 

View the Solicitation >>

Attend the 2022 TRISH Industry Pre-Proposal Webinar


TRISH is hosting a webinar for potential industry proposers on February 2, 2022 at 1 p.m. CST to answer questions about the solicitation.

Register for the webinar >>