During its General Assembly EUROSPACE, the
Association of European Space Industry, renewed its board, named a new
President and Vice President and took new orientations with relevant
measures to implement them. Armand CARLIER, CEO of Astrium, was named
President of EUROSPACE while Ivan ÷fverholm, CEO of Austrian Aerospace
was named Vice President.

The objective of EUROSPACE is to be the only focal point for European space
industry vis-a-vis European space authorities (EU, ESA, national space
agencies and governments). For this purpose EUROSPACE will most probably
open an office in Brussels. During the forthcoming months, EUROSPACE will
advocate for better co-ordination and new space programmes particularly
in the fields of environment monitoring, defence, telecommunications and
launchers in preparation of the next European Ministerial Conference in
November. Europe, with its own development model and continuing efforts,
has become a space power potentially capable of ensuring both non-dependence
in many fields of its political decisions and substantial economic benefits
in the applications of space technology. Currently, there is a risk of
disinvestment of European governments which could lead to weaken its
position worldwide.


Space systems provide a decisive contribution to environment surveillance
and security. The framework of the GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment
and Security) is a major field of activity where European space industry
should play a decisive part in improving our way of life. In this respect,
EUROSPACE wishes to encourage the European Commission on GMES and strongly
recommends that a preoperational system be implemented in the near future.


The total space defence budget in Europe is not only a fraction of that
in the US (which is fifteen times higher, i.e. US $15 billion) but also
degrading. The US have a long term vision to develop very powerful
information network capable of providing useful information to commanding
officers in due time and all circumstances. Clearly the preparation of
a Long-Term space defence plan is a necessity for Europe and EUROSPACE
recommends stronger co-operation and harmonisation of the future national


Recent successes of the European space industry in telecommunication
satellites are partly due to technological programmes such as Stentor.
These R/D efforts should be pursued and extended at pan-European level
because the trend toward larger and more powerful satellites is continuing
and competition is fierce.


The decision of the European Commission and the European Space Agency
to launch Galileo, Europe’s contribution to the next generation global
navigation satellite service is very encouraging. Galileo will enable Europe
to create a truly integrated transport infrastructure making more efficient
use of land, sea and air resources, improving safety and generating new
commercial and public services. Galileo is a major programme which will
have considerable economic benefits in terms of market and employment all
over Europe.


Access to space is, for the whole world, a strategic capacity supported by
governments. Europe should maintain a strong capacity to access space based
on the development of market adapted launchers and a launching range. A
Long Term space transportation strategy, set up at European level, is thus
a must.

EUROSPACE was created 40 years ago in 1961. Its members (53) are the main
industrial companies, which represent 90% of the total space turnover of
the European space industry. This industry generates a turnover of 5.5
billion Euros and 33,500 jobs.