The newly created has unveiled the most ambitious student-run grassroots space exploration educational initiative to date. The project, entitled the “We Want Our Future” initiative, aims to collect more than 100,000 postcards from young students around the country, depicting what each student imagines as the future of space exploration.  The project will merge technical dreams with artistic expression.

The student-lead team at (WWOF) plans to use space exploration to inspire K-12 aged students. Development has begun on a video presentation and outreach package that will describe exploration through the ages and culminate with information about space exploration today.  Emphasis will be placed on the importance of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).  Participants will be inspired and empowered by this presentation to dream big about the future and how they can be a part of it.  The participants will then be asked to depict their visions for the future of space exploration on the front of a ‘post-card’ and subsequently provide an age appropriate description or response on the reverse side of the card.

When asked about the program, former astronaut Joe Tanner said, “The imagination and vision that we inspire in our youth will determine the greatness of our future.” This initiative will encourage the imagination of our youth with regards to space exploration. The post-cards, which the WWOF team hopes will number more than 100,000, will be assembled together and used to send a cohesive message to the nation as well as government officials that space exploration must be a national priority. 

In order to make this project a success we need your help.  The future of space exploration depends not only on the actions of today, but also the education of the leaders of tomorrow.  This initiative will inspire future generations while reminding our current leaders that America is a nation born of exploration and a nation whose prosperity relies on continued exploration.  To reach our goal of more than 100,000 youth participants from all across the country we need help from teachers, youth leaders, parents, volunteers, and sponsors.  We encourage you to sign up at, donate, and spread the word! All gifts are tax-deductible and any amount can make a difference: every dollar helps us reach one more child.  The initiative can also be followed on twitter @WeWantOurFuture or our Facebook page.

Contact Details: Matthew Cannella