Despite broad popular support for NASA and the importance of America’s efforts in space, the American space program is adrift, uncertain about the future and unclear about the purposes it serves.  Policymakers in the White House and Congress have papered over the uncertainty with compromises that sometimes leave NASA working against itself and no one satisfied.

On December 13, 2013 the George C. Marshall Institute will release a new book, America’s Space Futures, which responds to this challenge by considering the costs, benefits and risks of different visions for the American space program. In a series of essays, the authors offer out-of-the-box thinking and analyses that lay out a space future that sets priorities to achieve a specific national goal.

 The event will include discussion by the book’s authors:

*James Vedda, Senior Policy Analyst at the Aerospace Corporation’s Center for Space Policy & Strategy

*Scott Pace, Director of the Space Policy Institute and Professor of International Affairs, George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs.

*William Adkins, President of Adkins Strategies LLC and former Staff Director of the House Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee.

*Charles Miller, President of NexGen Space LLC and former NASA Senior Advisor for Commercial Space

*Eric Sterner, Fellow at the George C. Marshall Institute and faculty member at Missouri State University Graduate Department of Defense and Strategic Studies.

When: Dec 13, 2013

Time: 2-3:30pm

Where:  2325 Rayburn House Office Building

RSVP: info@marshall.