In its maiden flight on
February 21, Aerojet’s Mark VI-D Attitude Control System flawlessly positioned
a science experiment 180 miles in space to observe a white dwarf star. The
seven-minute experiment was deployed by a NASA sounding rocket launched from
White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, at 9 p.m. PST.

Aerojet’s Mark VI ACS consists of electronics and software that control
the precise orientation of the experiment after it separates from the sounding
rocket in space. The Mark VI-D is an advanced version of the 20-year-old
Mark VI, with enhanced digital components (hence the “D” designation).

“The Mark VI-D is a level above all other sounding rocket attitude control
systems. It offers NASA and scientists more accurate and stable targeting for
space-borne astronomical experiments,” said Scott Jennings, Aerojet Mark VI-D
program manager.

The science experiment, conducted by the Naval Research Laboratory,
observed the white dwarf star G191-B2B with a high-resolution spectrometer and
camera. Due to the high resolution of the science instruments, a low jitter
rate was required for mission success, which could be achieved only with the
Mark VI-D’s precise control of the onboard cold gas thrusters.

This mission was a re-flight of a Feb. 24, 2000 mission that was
terminated by range safety officials before the Mark VI-D could be activated.

The sounding rocket program is managed by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight
Center/Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. PRC, a subsidiary of Litton
Industries, Inc., leads the Sounding Rocket Operations Contract team.

In May 1999, Aerojet won a $9 million, four-year contract from PRC to
provide Mark VI attitude control systems and support services for up to
10 years.

Aerojet, a GenCorp company, is a world-recognized aerospace and defense
leader principally serving the space electronics, missile and space
propulsion, and smart munitions and armaments markets. Aerojet’s Web site
address is .