The NEAR spacecraft continued to operate nominally in Operational Mode
with Flight Computer #1 and Attitude Interface Unit #2 in control. All
instruments remained “ON” during this week. S/C Attitude pointing
continues to alternate between Eros pointing, Earth pointing, and Sun
pointing as required to conduct Eros approach operations.

NEAR is presently: 17,902 Km from Eros (11,124 miles), 1.788 AU from
Earth, and 1.433 AU from the Sun.

The co-timing test between the Laser Altimeter and the Imager was
successfully conducted on January 21. Science activities this week also

– MSI Eros Movie #3 on 1/22/2000
– NIS raster test on 1/25/2000

– NIS cal target 8 on 1/25/2000
– MSI Light Curve 3 on 1/26/2000

Regular Eros OpNav images were taken this week.

Final preparations and testing of the NEAR command load to start on
January 31 are completed. This command load includes all activities
planned through February 6 including the Rendezvous burn on 2/2/00.

Upcoming Spacecraft Activities:

In addition to regular DSN tracking and taking of OpNav images, the
following are operationally significant activities planned through Eros
orbit insertion. Please consult the NEAR Flight Timeline for more details
regarding upcoming science activities.

Jan 28 Eros Satellite Search B
Feb 2 Rendezvous Maneuver
Feb 4 Eros Satellite Search C
Feb 8 Rendezvous Maneuver and Momentum Bias
Feb 9 Eros Satellite Search D
Feb 14 Eros Orbit Insertion