The Heart on Eros

NEAR Captures Eros’ Heart

LAUREL, MD – (Feb. 13, 2000) – Just in time for its Valentine’s Day date
with 433 Eros, the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft snapped
this photo during its approach to the 21-mile-long space rock. Taken Feb.
11, 2000, from 1,609 miles (2590 kilometers) away, the picture reveals a
heart-shaped depression about 3 miles (5 kilometers) long. Scientists at the
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory – which manages the NASA
mission -processed the image on Feb. 12. Photos taken from closer in during
the next few days will help the NEAR team unravel the mystery of this
shadowy feature.

See Press release

(Image 0125693155)

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