NSS Online Report

Issue #8 / November 14, 2000

Inside this issue:

NSS Sponsors Successful Space Media Breakfast

NSS Gets Involved in World Space Week

More Than 80 Speakers Highlight ISDC 2001 Agenda

NSS Alert: Tell NASA to Revive Lunar Exploration

NASA Unveils Space Science Education Resource Directory

NSS Headquarters Welcomes New Staff



Over 150 individuals interested in space from around the world
attended NSSs breakfast seminar entitled Meet the New Space Media
Entrepreneurs in Washington on 24 October. The event preceded the
start of the Space Foundations annual International Space Symposium,
which brought together space industry representatives from several
continents to hear about and discuss issues facing the commercial
space sector.

NSSs event included presentations from five companies with
plans or deals in place to bring the excitement of space to people
around the world through media activities. Attendees heard from: Jeff
Lenorovitz, InfoWEST Group, speaking on behalf of MirCorp; Shelley
Harrison, CEO of Space Media, Inc.; Dennis Wingo, President of
SkyCorp; Andrew Cary of Discovery.com; and Bill Foster, President of
Dreamtime Holdings. The intriguing aspect of this event is that we
could not have done it last year at this time: all but one of the
companies [Discovery.com] did not exist a year ago, said Frank
Sietzen, editor-in-chief of NSSs Ad Astra.

The representatives had the following to say about their
companies plans and activities:

* As cash-strapped Russia cannot afford to operate the space
station Mir any longer due to tight budgets and obligations to ISS,
MirCorp is currently leasing Mir from the Russian government to keep
it flying as a commercial space outpost. So far, Lenorovitz said,
MirCorp has funded a human mission and two Progress re-supply missions
to Mir. The company anticipates making Mir a tourist destination, and
currently has deals to fly an American businessman and the winner of
an NBC Survivor-like TV series to the station. Now, however, the
Russians are seriously considering de-orbiting Mir due to
uncertainties about MirCorps ability to attract investment. Currently
trying to convince Russian officials that it will find adequate
financing, MirCorp recently announced plans to make an initial public
offering of MirCorp stock.

* Space Medias Harrison explained that Space Media is partnering
with the Russian space company RSC Energia to develop a commercial
space venture. Together, they are constructing a module called
Enterprise to be launched and attached to the ISS in 2003. This module
will include a TV studio that will be staffed by cosmonauts and
possibly news reporters. Space Media and Energia have also formed a
company, Enermedia to aid commercial activities on Russias segment of
ISS. On the ground, Space Media plans to host an image archive of half
a million U.S. space images as well as images from Russias space program.

* SkyCorp recently signed an agreement with NASA to launch a
test satellite that will contain the first web server ever flown in
space. Based on a Mac G4 computer, the prototype satellite may be the
forerunner of a fleet of satellites placed in low-Earth orbit to
provide Internet access, according to Wingo. SkyCorp plans to sell
space on the satellites web server, which people on Earth could access
with wireless devices. Unlike traditional satellites, SkyCorps test
satellite will be assembled on and launched from either the Space
Shuttle or ISS.

* According to Discovery.coms Cary, the Discovery Channel and
Discovery.com will be focusing on space several times in the upcoming
year. Airing around the world on December 10, 2000, a documentary that
melds space footage with computer animation to describe the
construction and uses of ISS will kick off the Discovery space

* Earlier this year, Foster said, Dreamtime reached a
non-exclusive media arrangement with NASA. Through this agreement,
Dreamtime will provide NASA with improved media capabilities,
including the use of HDTV cameras on the Space Shuttle and, later, on
ISS. Dreamtime will offer a HDTV broadcast from Baikonur of the launch
of the first crew to the ISS. The company will also provide improved
public access to NASA images and other media.


October 4-10 marked the first celebration of World Space Week. The
opening of World Space Week was marked by a day of activities on
October 4 at the U.N. (the body that sanctioned World Space Week) and
other locations in New York. NSS was represented in New York by
Executive Director, Pat Dasch; Governor, Ambassador Ed Finch; and NSS
U.N. Representative Amanda Moore. In the evening, NSS hosted a
reception at the University Club that was attended by astronauts from
four countries, Dr. Mazlan Othman, Director of the U.N. Office of
Outer Space Affairs, Bill Nye the Science Guy, and an array of space
personalities, dignitaries and diplomats.

On October 19 Pat Dasch and Amanda Moore were back at the U.N. for a
briefing to the Diplomatic Corps on World Space Week activities and
issues in international space policy.
Panelists were Mazlan Othman, Pat Dasch and Pablo Recalde from the UN
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. The success of
the event resulted in the suggestion that such briefings become an
annual event on the U.N. calendar at the time of World Space Week.


Over 80 speakers have accepted invitations to address
NSS members and other space enthusiasts at the 20th annual
International Space Development Conference (ISDC). Most of their names
are listed on the ISDC 2001 web site at www.isdc2001.org/speakers.htm,
and the list continues to grow. Representing government, industry, and
academia, the speakers will address a variety of topics, with special
attention paid to Asteroids and Comets, Astrogeology, Space
Investment, Space Law, and Space Science Education.

If you would like to add your own name to the growing list of
speakers, it is not too late to plan a technical presentation. The
deadline for abstracts has been extended to December 15, 2000. The
Call for Papers can be found on the ISDC web site at

ISDC 2001 will be held at the Hilton Hotel in
Albuquerque, New Mexico next Memorial Day weekend, May 24-28, 2001.
The conference is co-hosted by the New Mexico Space Society chapter of
NSS and the Albuquerque section of the American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Registration is only $75. A
mail-in registration form and much more information on the conference
can be found at the ISDC 2001 web site, www.isdc2001.org.


On Thursday October 26th NASA Associate Administrator
for Space Science, Dr. Ed Weiler, told Ad Astras Editor that the space
agency was open to lunar exploration but that there were no proposals
being made from the science community. There isnt any interest in the
Moon apparently, Weiler said. We [NASA] are open to proposals for
lunar missions but there doesnt seem to be any interest. As a result,
Weiler said, NASA has no plans for any lunar missions to be added to
the space agencys budget in the coming years. Could the new robotics
technology being developed for the advanced Mars exploration plan be
applied to missions to the lunar poles? We have no lunar missions
under development at this time, Weiler said.

NSS is calling on its members, space activists, and the
science community to respond to this situation. We need a robust and
reinvigorated lunar exploration program that takes advantage of the
Lunar Prospector and Clementine data. We also need to apply the new
robotic precision landing and autonomous rover technologies being
developed for Mars for new generations of lunar scouts that can
further explore the Moon. We are asking you to email NASA
Administrator Daniel S. Goldin at dgoldin@hq.nasa.gov and tell him
that you strongly believe in an aggressive lunar exploration program.
The Moon also makes for an ideal testing ground for Mars exploration
technologies, as well as for new scientific research facilities. Tell
Mr. Goldin that our heritage of lunar exploration so celebrated each
year at the time of the Apollo 11 anniversary can best be honored by a
bold, new, sustained commitment for lunar exploration.


NASAs Space Science Education Resource Directory made
its debut on the Internet in October. The new web site,
teachspacescience.stsci.edu, is hosted by the Space Telescope Science
Institute. According to a NASA press release, the site provides an
Internet on-ramp to top-quality educational resources produced by
NASAs Space Science Education and public Outreach programs.

The database is searchable, but is also divided up
according to grade level (elementary, middle, or high school) and
subject matter. It includes some material especially for teachers,
such as lesson plans, educator guides, and student activities.
However, links to space science web sites and images might prove
useful to any NSS member putting together a presentation for young
space enthusiasts. The directory currently contains over 100 items,
and NASA plans to keep adding new resources. Future editions may even
provide access to printed materials and hard-copy media such as videos
and CD-ROMs.


Several newcomers have joined the NSS Headquarters staff this
fall. Please welcome them!

Emily Michnay is currently interning at NSS Headquarters. Emily is a
freshman at American University where she will be majoring in
business. Emily is originally from Minnesota, where she was the Chair
of the Teenage Republicans of Minnesota for two years. She is
currently in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves, and active in politics,
Christian organizations, intramural sports, community service, and
music. Emily is fascinated by the possibilities of space exploration,
and is very excited about her internship at the Society.

Alison Schutt joins the Society as Administrative Officer. She
recently moved from Eugene, Oregon where she was employed as a Natural
Resource Specialist with the Oregon Health Divisions Drinking Water
Program. She has a B.Sc. in Geology from the University of Wales,
Cardiff, U.K. and a M.S. in Geochemistry from the University of
Oregon. Alison is pleased to be a part of the NSS and will serve its
members through coordination of NSS events and functions.

Amy Paige Snyder is pleased to be serving as Policy and Outreach
Administrator. In this capacity, she addresses space policy and
legislation issues of interest to NSS, works on NSS outreach
activities, assists in planning for Ad Astra, and helps coordinate NSS
events. Amy recently graduated with from George Washington University
with an M.A. in Science, Technology, and Public Policy. She has
completed internships with NASA, the White House Office of Science and
Technology Policy, the RAND Corporation, and the National Research
Council. She holds a B.A. in Earth and Planetary Science from Cornell

Sherry Wilson recently joined NSS as a Membership Coordinator. She
holds a B.S. in Economics from Central State University in
Wilberforce, Ohio. She will work closely with members on a regular
basis and serve as liaison to various vendors to ensure the
satisfaction of our members. Her five years of experience with
members-driven associations with emphasis on recruitment/retention
will prove beneficial to the goals of the Society.


NSS Online Report

Issue #8 / November 14, 2000

Editor: Joshua Powers (powers1.geo@yahoo.com)

National Space Society

600 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E. — Suite 201 — Washington, DC 20003

(202) 543-1900 — www.nss.org — nsshq@nss.org