The National Space Club and Foundation proudly announces that, after a unanimous vote by the Board of Directors, the Keynote Scholarship award was increased from $10,000 to $15,000 to support Keynote Speaker Parker Arntsen-Beaudin’s college education, as well as all future winners who follow her. Additionally, The NSCF is honored to announce that Bethany Cole, 2022 Goddard Keynote Scholarship Runner-Up, will receive a $5,000 scholarship to support her academic endeavors. These scholarships were made possible due to the generosity and dedication of the Space Club members and the companies they represent. 
Ms. Arntsen-Beaudin is a high school senior at Northern Waters Environmental School (NWES), an environmental charter school in Hayward, Wisconsin. She is also dual-enrolled as a science major at Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College, where she holds a Team Lead position for the college’s First Nations Launch team, a NASA annual competition offering Tribal Colleges and Universities the opportunity to demonstrate engineering and design skills in high-power rocketry. Passionate about the arts, Ms. Arntsen-Beaudin has also won several art competitions and serves as President of her school’s art club. Additionally, she serves as coordinator for the Friends of the Eau Claire Lakes Area’s Lake Ecology Education Program, an award-winning environmental education program for middle school students. In the fall of 2022, Ms. Arntsen-Beaudin plans to attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison with aspirations of pursuing a doctorate in environmental science. Her life aspiration is to be an environmental researcher and advocate for environmental conservation, and she hopes to inspire other Native Americans, women, and members of the LGBTQ+ community to pursue careers in STEM.
Ms. Cole is a senior at Winfield High School, a small public school in Winfield, West Virginia. After graduation, she plans to begin her major in Aerospace Engineering with a minor in Business in the fall of 2022. During her sophomore year of High School, she helped launch a Pulsar Research Club within her school. The Pulsar Research Collaboaratory, which utilizes data from Greenbank Observatory at West Virginia University, teaches students how to read radio emission graphs and determine if they originated from pulsars. In addition, she has enjoyed being an active member of the National Honor Society, Key Club President, Beta Club Treasurer, and Show Choir Dance Captain. While space-related opportunities within her community are currently limited, Bethany hopes to one day aid in the advancement of space and other STEM-related educational opportunities in more rural areas within the United States. Bethany is extremely excited to begin her college education and strives to become a spacecraft engineer to take part in the mission of exploring our universe.
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The National Space Club and Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization devoted to fostering excellence in space activity through interaction between industry and government, and through a continuing program of educational support. Youth Education is a premier focus of the Club, providing over $160,000 in scholarships and internships each year. Awards are offered to recognize outstanding accomplishments in spaceflight, engineering, science, management, and education. 
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