Arlington, Va. — AIA is very encouraged that the newly released National Security Space Strategy emphasizes the need for a healthy space industrial base.

“We’ve long supported a more cohesive, strategic approach to managing our nation’s space enterprise,” said AIA President and CEO Marion C. Blakey. “The strategy’s commitment to maintaining a healthy industrial base, including focused science, research and development efforts and promoting STEM education and professional development is crucial to success in the space arena.”

AIA believes it is absolutely critical to establish an open and ongoing dialogue and partnership with the Defense Department and the Intelligence Community to develop and execute the implementation plans needed to move forward. In addition, securing the budgets and funding needed to realize this strategy and to deliver vital space capabilities to our nation is of utmost importance.

“Defense Secretary Gates and Director of National Intelligence Clapper are to be congratulated for the first ever jointly signed National Security Space strategy,” Blakey said. “In today’s contested, congested and competitive space environment having a clearly enunciated plan in which government and industry work together is more important than ever.”