The National Security Space Association (NSSA) today released a report entitled, “Bipartisan Next Steps in National Security Space”.  Authored by Chris Williams, Chair of the Association’s Moorman Center for Space Studies, the report notes that recent landmark changes in national security space organization, management, and other areas were the result of initiatives launched in both the Obama and Trump administrations as well as the hard work by a bipartisan group of legislators.  According to the report, “Sustaining bipartisanship on national security space issues must be a top priority of the Biden administration and Congress.”

The report identifies six specific issues that require immediate attention and bipartisan solutions:

– Completing the build-out of the U.S. Space Force and the U.S. Space Command.

– Reforming the Defense space systems acquisition process and structure.

– Assuring timely and effective intelligence support to the national security space enterprise.

– Maturing policies, strategies, doctrines and plans to shape, deter, and if necessary, prevail in any conflict that begins or extends to space.

– Adequately resourcing the U.S. Space Force, U.S. Space Command, and the U.S. Intelligence Community’s space organizations; and

– Ensuring the acquisition and operation of leading-edge space intelligence capabilities and enhancing collaboration between the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community.

The report concludes with the following counsel to the Biden administration and Congress: “None of these challenges will be easy to solve, especially in an era of declining Defense budgets.  Yet they must be addressed if America is to retain its strategic advantage in space.  The fact that America’s elected leaders came together in a bipartisan manner, across multiple administrations and Congresses, to begin the process of addressing shortcomings in our national security space program yields ample reason for hope they can continue to do so.  Now is the time to finish the job.”

Founded in August 2018, The National Security Space Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit support association solely dedicated to the National Security Space enterprise. We work to foster long-term cooperation among industry and government officials, leading the way with expert opinion, insight, and analysis. We’re devoted to fostering a holistic, mission-oriented workforce that will shape the future of National Security Space for generations to come. More information can be found on the Association’s website