It is widely recognized that our economy, national security, and indeed our everyday lives increasingly depend on scientific and technical innovation.

Engineers are the largest component of workers with college education in science and engineering (S&E), capturing more than 40 percent of all S&E occupations in 2000. Almost half of those in the S&E labor force with bachelors’ degrees as their highest-level degree are engineers. This field therefore has a huge impact on our national capabilities and deserves special attention.

The National Science Board is holding a workshop in Atlanta, Ga., on Nov. 7, 2006 to move the national conversation on these issues forward in a productive way by calling attention to how engineering education must change in light of the changing workforce demographics and needs.

Called “Moving Forward to Improve Engineering Education,” the workshop will be held at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center. Participants include 23 leading deans of engineering and six National Science Board members. Richard Buckius, National Science Foundation (NSF) assistant director for engineering, will also participate.

The discussion will focus is on how the Board can provide guidance to NSF, as an important leadership agency for engineering education, to respond to pressing issues raised at its workshop at MIT last fall, and by the National Academy of Engineering report, Educating the Engineer of 2020. More details, agenda and participant list are posted at

The National Science Board is an independent 24-member body of policy advisors to the president and Congress on matters of science and engineering research and education, and is the policy making and oversight body for the National Science Foundation (NSF), an independent federal agency that supports almost all areas of fundamental research and science, technology, engineering and mathematics education nationwide.

Program Contacts

Jean Pomeroy, National Science Board (703) 292-7000