The NASTAR(R) Center, the premier commercial space training and research center in the world, conducted two of the first Educator Professional Development Programs on August 5-6, 2010 and August 12-13, 2010 for K-12 grade teachers. The two-day workshop program entitled, Experiencing Newton’s Laws of Motion, equips teachers with hands-on activities, space flight simulation experiences, and take-home material all aimed at enhancing STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education in their classrooms.

Part of NASTAR Center’s public education initiative , NASTAR University (NASTAR U), added the NASTAR Educator Professional Development Program this year to its growing list of student and professional education programs, such as NASTAR Camp – a summer camp program for students in 4-8th grades, and the NASTAR Mentorship Program – a ‘shadow’ program offering high school and college students the opportunity to explore aerospace career paths and job opportunities.

Experiencing Newton’s Laws of Motion has been approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education for teacher professional continuing education and satisfies 15 hours of Act 48 continuing education requirements. The first course ran August 5-6, 2010 and the second course ran August 12-13th, 2010. Both classes were fully booked. To register for 2011 programs, or for more info, contact Greg Kennedy at or (215) 355-9100, x 1512.

“I’ve been teaching for 17 years and attended all types of workshops previously, and this program is definitely the best. It provides awesome experiences that relate directly to the classroom,” said Donna Stumm, Reading Fleming Intermediate School, Annandale, NJ.

About NASTAR Center

The National AeroSpace Training And Research (NASTAR(R)) Center is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Environmental Tectonics Corporation (ETC(R)). NASTAR Center is the premier commercial aerospace training, research, and educational facility dedicated in improving the health and safety of humans in extreme environments. NASTAR Center integrates physiology-based instruction with ETC’s advanced flight simulators to provide flight training and research services for: 1.) military aviation (tactical and aeromedical); 2.) civil aviation (upset recovery and spatial disorientation); 3.) commercial space flight (suborbital/orbital and operational research); and 4.) public education (STEM-based programs).

About ETC

Environmental Tectonics Corporation (ETC(R)) was founded in 1969 in Pennsylvania. ETC is the world leader in software and systems integration. Its products are present in 87 countries around the globe. ETC core technologies include the design, manufacture, installation and support of products and services organized in two groups. The Training Services Group (TSG) includes: (1) software driven products and services used to create and monitor the physiological effects of flight, (2) high performance jet tactical flight simulation, and, (3) driving and disaster simulation systems. The Control Systems Group (CSG) includes: (1) steam and gas sterilizers, (2) HVAC and automotive engine and systems test equipment and, (3) hyperbaric and hypobaric chambers. For more info visit