Sonja Alexander

Headquarters, Washington, DC

(Phone: 202/358-1761)

Lisa M. Williams

Modern Technology Systems, Inc., Riverdale, MD

(Phone: 301/985-5171)

RELEASE: 00-96

NASA and Modern Technology Systems, Inc., Riverdale, MD, have
selected 200 high school students to work at 11 participating NASA
field installations in the 2000 Summer High School Apprenticeship
Research Program (SHARP).

SHARP is an intensive science and engineering apprenticeship
program specifically designed to attract and increase
underrepresented students’ participation and success rates in
mathematics, science and engineering courses, as well as to
encourage career paths that help build a pool of underrepresented
science and engineering professionals in the workplace.

Celebrating its 20th year, the eight-week summer program is
sponsored by NASA’s Education Division and participating NASA
installations. This year’s program began on June 5 and will
continue through August 18.

Although the program is primarily for underrepresented groups
such as women, African-Americans, Native Alaskans, Native
Americans, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders and persons with
disabilities, NASA seeks diversity in all student support
programs. Consequently, all eligible, talented high school
students are encouraged to apply to the program.

Since 1980, approximately 2,914 SHARP Apprentices have
participated in the Program and more than 3,300 NASA employees
have served as SHARP mentors. Participating students are assigned
to work with a NASA mentor in a specific area of science or
technology, gaining hands-on research experience and earning a

SHARP incorporates NASA’s education goals and objectives for
education excellence by involving the educational community in
endeavors to inspire America’s students, create learning
opportunities and enlighten inquisitive minds.

The participating NASA Field Installations include Ames
Research Center, Moffett Field, CA; Dryden Flight Research Center,
Edwards, CA; Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH; Goddard Space
Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD; Independent Verification and
Validation Facility, Fairmont, WV; Johnson Space Center, Houston,
TX; Kennedy Space Center, FL; Langley Research Center, Hampton,
VA; Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL; Stennis Space
Center, MS; and Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, VA.
Eligible students must reside within a 50-mile radius of a
participating NASA Field Installation.

Additional information about the SHARP program can be found
