NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., continues to offer support to NASA personnel and contractors who were victims of Hurricane Katrina and evacuated, or will be relocating, to North Alabama and the Huntsville area.

NASA expects dozens of workers at Stennis Space Center near Gulfport, Miss., and the Michoud Assembly Facility near New Orleans — both hit hard by Katrina — to temporarily move with their families to the Huntsville area.

The Relocation Assistance Center at Marshall provides a variety of information and assistance to NASA employees and contractors. The support center, in Marshall Building 4200, Room G-13, can help evacuees and their families resolve financial concerns, find temporary or long-term housing, arrange physician appointments, seek crisis counseling and child care services, and obtain transportation. The relief organization will quickly help Stennis and Michoud employees obtain office space, security badges and vehicle decals.

For more information, Stennis and Michoud employees and contractors may call the Relocation Assistance Hotline at 877-470-5240. Also, Michoud employees should call 800-611-3116 to let their employer know their whereabouts.

The Marshall Center is on Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, and Gate 9 into the arsenal is accessible from Interstate 565 at Exit 14. Relocation center representatives are available to meet new arrivals at Gate 9.

Stennis Space Center primarily serves as a key hardware and engine testing facility for NASA. The Michoud Assembly Facility is responsible for constructing the massive Space Shuttle External Tanks that help lift the Shuttle to orbit.

For contact information for employees and contractors, or for general public information, visit:

In addition, NASA has established a toll-free number (888/362-4323) for recorded updates about general conditions at Stennis and Michoud. For updates, visit:

For information on how to volunteer, visit:

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