NASA’s Earth Observatory is the winner of the 2006 Webby People’s Voice Award in Education. Nominations are made by, and winners selected by, the International Academy of the Digital Arts and Sciences. This award honors over a hundred Web sites with the prestigious title of the best on the Web. The winning Webby sites were selected from over 5,500 entries.

The 10th Annual Webby Awards Gala, hosted by Rob Corddry of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart was held earlier this week in New York City.

“It is an honor just to be nominated for a Webby Award, but to win our third People’s Voice is a thrill,” said David Herring, Earth Observatory Program Manager at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, in Greenbelt, Md.

“The Earth Observatory is an agency-wide team effort. Receiving our third nomination over a 5-year period is a testament to the outstanding people across NASA’s Earth Sciences Division — including scientists, data visualizers, science writers, and Web designers — all working together to share NASA’s space-based perspective on Earth in ways that are easy to access and understand.”

The recipients of NASA’s Earth Observatory award were joined by Thomas Friedeman, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and celebrated New York Times columnist; Mark Cuban, noted online entrepreneur and owner of the Dallas Mavericks; the Gorillaz, the platinum record selling and Grammy-performing music and animation pioneers; Chris DeWolfe and Tom Anderson, co-founders of; and Bill Simmons, aka The Sports Guys, noted personality.

NASA’s Earth Observatory is a free publication on the Internet where the public can obtain new satellite imagery and scientific information about our home planet. Topics include Earth’s climate and environmental change as well as stories about innovative new ways in which scientists are using satellite data to benefit society.

For more information about NASA’s Earth Observatory, visit:

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