NASA’s Centennial Challenges Program released today draft rules for six new prize competitions. NASA is seeking external comments and collaborating organizations in order to finalize and initiate these Challenges.

The six prize competitions encompass a range of capabilities and technologies, including: on-orbit propellant provisioning, lunar astronaut rovers, space suits, advanced power storage, orbital sample return, and solar sails. NASA released a Request for Comments (RFC) today that asks potential competitors and other interested parties for their comments on the detailed rules and achievability of the following competitions:

  • Fuel Depot Demonstration Challenge
  • Human Lunar All-Terrain Vehicle Challenge
  • Low-Cost Space Pressure Suit Challenge
  • Lunar Night Power Source Challenge
  • Micro Reentry Vehicle Challenge
  • Station-Keeping Solar Sail Challenge

NASA released a Request for Comments (RFC) today that asks potential competitors and other interested parties for their comments on the detailed rules and achievability of the competitions.

NASA also re-issued an Announcement of Partnership Opportunity (APO) today that solicits collaborating organizations that can administer one or more of these prize competitions or contribute to the prize purses.

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