Dear NASAQuest List Members,

Greetings to all! Hope your week has some bright spots in it.

You already know that this is a big week at NASA Quest per last week’s
message but now it is even bigger!! Did you know that there are no less than
thirteen opportunities to connect with the men and women of NASA this week!
Yes, truly an incredible week!

Two of these special online, interactive events involves NASA Astronauts — Michael P. Anderson
and Linda Godwin. for Monday, March 13
webcast and chat with Astronaut Michael P. Anderson. You can chat with Astronaut
Linda Godwin Friday, March 17, 2000 from 12:30 PM – 1 PM Pacific. Register for the chat with
Linda Godwin at

There are daily chats or webcasts with the Space Shuttle experts via Classroom
Connect and NASA Quest’s partnership on Classroom Today.


And also see

Educators and interested others can connect live with the Kennedy Space Center via the
Space Shuttle Countdown: Landing to Launch series on Wednesday,
March 15, 2000 at 10:00 am-11:30 am PST (1:00 -2:30 pm EST) for another exciting
webcast! This week’s focus is the long trip to the Launch Pad–Originally planned for February,
Mike and Brandt show you up close the Mobile Launch Platform, the Crawler and the Crawlerway –
describing that 3 1/2 mile pilgrimage.

See for full details.

Coming the week of March 19-26, 2000…

QuestChat – Leslie Ringo, Flight Simulation Engineer, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA

WebCast – Learning Technologies Channel and Stanford Solar Center “All About the Sun” Series

QuestChat – Space Scientists Online QuestChat with Perry Gerakines, National Research
Council Research Associate Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD

QuestChat – with Women of NASA/Space Team Online and Women’s History Month QuestChat with Lisa Shore,
Space Shuttle flight controller in the Mission Control Center (MCC), Johnson Space Center

WebCast – Learning Technologies Channel and the US Dept. of Education, Satellite Town Meeting – Nurturing
Readers: Building and Sustaining Community Reading Programs

QuestChat – Space Team Online QuestChat with James Peters, Scientist — Assembly Operations
and Launch to Activation Procedures International Space Station Operations
NASA Johnson Space Center

WebCast – Learning Technologies Channel Imaging the Earth’s Inner Magnetosphere

Check the *full* schedule of events

Hope you will take full advantage of the opportunities to interact with the
men and women of NASA through NASA Quest!

Please share this information with your learning community!

Jan Wee, Moderator of the NASAQuest Mail List