Sutron Corporation
announced today that NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center has made its
first purchase of Sutron’s SatLink High Data Rate Satellite

SatLink will be an important part of AERONET, the Center’s global
network of 165 remote sensing aerosol monitoring stations. AERONET’s
automatic data acquisition, transmission and processing facilitates
building local, regional and global databases, fundamental for
understanding the influence on climate change of atmospheric aerosols.

Three factors have positively impacted this important work.
Sutron’s ability to interface with recently developed
weather-resistant automatic sun and sky scanning radiometers
to enable more frequent and comprehensive measurement of
aerosol optical properties at very remote locations;

Sutron’s ability to transmit automatic real-time measurements
via several geostationary satellites (GOES, METEOSAT, GMS and
INSAT) thus providing 100 percent global coverage; and

Development of Sutron’s SatLink, a satellite transmitter which
will send data at 12 times the previous rate.
NASA and its international partners have indicated they have
implemented a program to replace existing transmitters with Sutron’s
SatLink Satellite High Data Rate Transmitters in all 165 stations in
the near future.

Sutron is also a major supplier of real-time environmental remote
monitoring and control systems for other Federal Agencies, including
the US Geological Survey, the US Army Corps of Engineers, the National
Ocean Service, a division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, and the National Weather Service.

For 26 years Sutron has designed and manufactured environmental
monitoring and communication equipment that operates unattended in
remote, inhospitable places, under the most extreme conditions on the

With over 25,000 environmental monitoring stations presently in
operation globally, Sutron is a major worldwide supplier of real-time
data collection systems that include telemetry, sensors, and data
management software.


Sutron Corporation

Patricia Hagerty, 703/406-2800