This is the NASA Y2K Status Report for 8:30 p.m. EST, Dec. 31, 1999 (0030
Jan. 1, 2000 UTC):

— All NASA systems linked to GMT appear to have made the transition to Y2K
successfully. No anomalies have been reported. These systems including the Deep
Space Network and tracking stations in Guam, Chile, Alaska, Australia, Madrid
and Norway. They also include ground stations in New Mexico for NASA’s Tracking
and Data Relay Satellite System, which provides tracking, command and data
capabilities for the International Space Station, Hubble Space Telescope, Terra
satellite and other spacecraft.

— NASA’s Ames Research Center reports that NASA’s Internet name server —
one of eight such computers that provide fundamental traffic routing on the
Internet — made the transition to Y2K at midnight UTC.

–All NASA systems based in countries that have reached local midnight have
made the transition without incident.

— NASA’s team in Moscow reports that the International Space Station
Mission Mission Control Center there has experienced no problems.