WASHINGTON – NASA’s Web site received a significant multimedia award this week when Adobe Systems Inc., of San Jose, Calif., honored the interactive International Space Station Reference Guide with a 2007 Max Award.

“The NASA Web team continually is finding new and innovative ways of making NASA more accessible to the world,” said Ron Ticker, NASA’s manager for space station development and the project’s sponsor. “The Interactive ISS Reference Guide and its recognition is another testament to the team’s success in that endeavor.”

With video and interactive elements, the guide explains the basic operations and physical dimensions of the International Space Station. Astronaut Mike Fincke, who spent six months aboard the station, guides users through the multimedia guide. Fincke explains how the crew works and lives in space, and how the station operates.

The guide also includes 360-degree views of the inside of several space station modules. It will be updated regularly as new elements are added to the station; the first update will be online Oct. 12.

The agency’s web presence takes another leap forward later this year with the rollout of a new design that allows Internet visitors to interact with the agency, create personal bookmark collections and playlists, and navigate and search more effectively.

The space station’s interactive feature can be found at:
