NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe and Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Christie Todd Whitman
will open a new chapter in environmental history Thursday.

The two administrators will take part in a ribbon-cutting
ceremony at 2 p.m. EDT May 8 at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight
Center (GSFC), Greenbelt, Md., to recognize the first federal
government facility to use landfill gas for energy. Officials
from Prince George’s County (PGC), Md., and Dallas-based Toro
Energy, Inc., will join Administrators O’Keefe and Whitman.

To attend the event, media should contact GSFC public affairs
by noon Wednesday, May 7, at: 301/286-8955. Send facsimile
requests to: 301/286-1707.

PGC and Toro officials will lead a tour of the Sandy Hills
Landfill in Bowie, Md., the source of the gas used at GSFC,
after the event.

The landfill gas project was completed under a utility
services contract between GSFC and Toro Energy, Inc. EPA’s
Landfill Methane Outreach Program is a voluntary assistance
and partnership program that promotes the use of landfill gas
as a renewable energy source.

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