Findings from the historic encounter between NASA’s
Stardust spacecraft and a comet will be discussed during the
next Space Science Update (SSU). The SSU is 2 p.m. EDT,
Thursday 17 June 2004 in the NASA Headquarters Webb Auditorium, 300 E St.
SW, Washington.

The findings were made when Stardust flew within 236
kilometers (about 147 miles) of comet Wild 2 on Jan. 2, 2004.
It captured the most detailed, high-resolution comet images
ever seen.

SSU Participants:

  • Dr. Thomas Morgan, Stardust program scientist, NASA Office of Space Science, Washington
  • Dr. Donald Brownlee, Stardust principal investigator, University of Washington, Seattle
  • Dr. Benton Clark, Chief Scientist of Space Exploration Systems, Lockheed Martin, Denver
  • Dr. Claudia Alexander, Project Scientist, U.S. Rosetta Project, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

NASA TV will carry the SSU live with two-way question-and-
answer capability for reporters covering the event from
participating NASA centers. NASA TV and live webcast is
available on AMC-9, transponder 9C, C-Band, located at 85
degrees west longitude. The frequency is 3880.0 MHz.
Polarization is vertical, and audio is monaural at 6.80 MHz.
For NASA TV and webcast information on the Internet, visit:

Reporters who would like to listen to the findings via audio
should call: 818/354-6666. Listen-only service is available
at: 321/867-1220/1240/1260.