WHAT:  On Saturday, Nov. 12, scientists from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., will join experts from UCLA, the Union of Concerned Scientists and the non- profit Kids vs. Climate Change to discuss climate change science, policy and action at the 3rd annual JPL Climate Change Symposium.  The free symposium, “Empowering Action Through Climate Science Knowledge,” is sponsored by JPL’s Green Club and JPL Earth Science Public Engagement.

Experts will present the latest scientific findings on how climate change is affecting Earth’s atmosphere, ocean, land and ice, presenting evidence from satellites and other data sources. The symposium will also outline specific steps individuals can take to help address this issue. The eight brief presentations will be followed by question-and-answer sessions. After the talks, audience members are invited to participate in a game of “Climate Jeopardy.” The event will also be webcast live on JPL’s Ustream channel at: http://www.ustream.tv/NASAJPL2 .
WHO:    Speakers include:

– Laura Tenenbaum, JPL Earth science education representative— introduction/overview
– Annmarie Eldering, JPL deputy project scientist, Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 mission—Earth’s atmosphere
– Ron Kwok, JPL senior research scientist—Earth’s ice
– Josh Fisher, JPL research scientist—Earth’s land
– Jorge Vazquez, project scientist, JPL Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center—Earth’s ocean
– Kevin Hussey, JPL Visualization Technology Applications and Development manager—”Eyes on the Earth 3D” demonstration
– Cara Horowitz, executive director, UCLA Emmett Center on Climate Change and the Environment—climate policy
– Adrienne Alvord, director, California and Western States, Union of Concerned Scientists—climate policy
– Alec Loorz, founder, Kids vs. Global Warming—how to take action
WHEN: Saturday, Nov. 12, from 1 to 4 p.m.
WHERE:   Von Karman Auditorium, JPL, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, Calif. 91109. 
Parking and admission are free. Seating is first-come, first-served.
Media wishing to attend should contact Alan Buis in advance at 818-354-0474, or
alan.d.buis@jpl.nasa.gov .