NASA will showcase research efforts to validate interoperability requirements for proposed Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) with demonstration of both detect-and-avoid (DAA) and Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance (TCAS) at the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) 2016 Xponential conference in New Orleans from May 3-5.

Participants in the UAS Integration in the National Airspace System (UAS-NAS) Interoperability for TCAS and DAA (UNITD) demo can interact with the NASA UAS-NAS project’s Vigilant Spirit Control Station (VSCS) developed in partnership with the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory. Attendees will also be able to “fly” encounters, using the DAA and TCAS II alerting and guidance displays to avoid simulated aircraft.

Along with the UNITD demo, the NASA UAS-NAS Project will also present research in a briefing on Wednesday, May 4, from 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. CDT, and a panel session on Thursday, May 5, from 10:30 a.m. to Noon CDT.

Wednesday’s briefing, entitled “Expanding the Envelope of UAS Certification: What it Takes to Type Certify a UAS for Precision Agricultural Spraying” will highlight the mock-up certification performed by researchers from NASA’s Langley Research Center in Virginia.

Thursday’s panel will feature speakers from four centers :Langley, Ames Research Center in California, Armstrong Flight Research Center in California, and Glenn Research Center in Ohio.

Panel speakers will present and discuss efforts to collect data in support of the RTCA SC-228 Minimum Operational Performance Standards for UAS DAA systems and command and control data link.

For more about NASA’s UAS-NAS project, visit:

For more about NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center, visit: