Dr. Ed Weiler, NASA Associate Administrator for the Office of
Space Science, will brief reporters on the Agency’s decision for
restructuring the Outer Planet Program, which includes the Pluto-
Kuiper Express and the Europa Orbiter missions, during a
teleconference set for Wednesday, Dec. 20, at 11 a.m. EST.

Donald Savage

Headquarters, Washington, DC

(Phone: 202/358-1547)


This announcement comes three months after an order was issued to
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, to stop work on
the Pluto project due to unacceptably large cost overruns.

Participants will be:

* Dr. Ed Weiler; Associate Administrator, Office of Space Science

* Dr. Jay Bergstralh, acting Director, Solar System Exploration,
NASA Headquarters

* Dr. Colleen Hartman, Deputy Director, Research Programs
Division, NASA Headquarters

News media representatives should contact the NASA Headquarters
Office of Space Science Public Affairs at 202/358-1547 for
instructions on how to connect to the teleconference.

Reporters within the Metro area of Washington, DC, who want to
attend the briefing at NASA Headquarters should call the above
number to sign up for limited seating.